Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Learn As Much As You Possibly Can

2014 will mark the 15th anniversary of the Bridge Film Festival.  In recognition of this milestone, the BFF is collecting interviews of our filmmaker alumni.  

Brian Richardson, George School '05, Newtown, PA 

Brian entered the BFF with his film "A Sense of Self" (2004).


BFF - How did you learn about the Bridge Film Festival, and what was it like to enter your film?

BR - I learned about the festival through my professor, Scott Hoskins. I was very excited to have the chance to enter the project.

BFF - Which teachers at George School most influenced your filmmaking?

BR - Scott Hoskins

BFF - After graduating from George School, what college/university did you attend, and what did you study?

BR - I went on to study Broadcasting at Seton Hall University.

BFF -  How did the experience of making a film for the BFF that required you to "depict Quaker values in action" influence your future storytelling?

BR - For me, it was a great visual expression. My experiences with Quaker values at George school were amazing. Making the film and winning the contest had a great impact on my confidence and ability to tell stories from a visual perspective.

BFF -  Which of your film projects are you most pleased with?

BR - I have a lot of projects I'm very pleased with, but I would say I'm more affected by the ones that please others. Unfortunately, a majority of my work is in development so I don't release very many projects into the public unless they sell for a series; then,  of course, everyone gets to see it. Here is an example of what a television series would look like before it sells to a network:

Boat Flippers (PT) from Green House Films on Vimeo.

BFF - What personal or professional projects are you currently working on?

BR - I work as a development producer creating pitch tapes and sizzle reels as potential series for networks. I have worked on material that has sold to the likes of Vh1, Oxygen, and the History Channel.

BFF - What are your plans for the future?

BR - My plans are to continue to grow and let my video work do all the talking for me.

BFF - What advice do you have for filmmakers currently attending Friends schools?

BR - Learn as much as you possibly can. Most of the knowledge I gained in the production field weren't taught to me in classes. I had to go out of my way to learn it.