The Bridge Film Festival maintains accounts with Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+ and Picasa as an important and significant means to share news and to reach new audiences and participants in the Festival. As part of our mission of bridging and supporting Friends education, the BFF has compiled a comprehensive listing of social media platforms as a service to the our community of Friends schools. The BFF makes a concerted effort to"like" all Friends school's Facebook pages and to share posts and tweets from Friends schools whenever possible.
Our Youtube channel features a list of all the Friends school channels as well as playlists of Quaker school news and history. On our Twitter page we have a Friends school list that is embedded on the right side of this blog. I encourage all Friends schools to subscribe to this list in order to keep up with what's happening at our schools and to help spread the message that, "There is nothing like a Friends education."
Please look for your school's information below by selecting the "Data" link at the bottom of the chart and contact the BFF if the information needs to be updated. Sharing the many voices of Friends schools through social media is a powerful force for bringing us together as well as reaching out.
Direct link to spreadsheet