"Circle of Friends" - Westbury Friends School |
The Festival believes that significant collaboration by teachers on the projects gives the educator a unique perspective into what our students are thinking about. These insights facilitate effective and meaningful communication of the student's ideas.
The general expectations of "scaffolding" are that the older the student filmmakers, the less technical support from faculty is required, and that regardless of age, there must be a significant amount of student participation in the development and execution of the concept of the film.
When evaluating the films our judges are primarily concerned with the message of the film and how persuasively it is conveyed. The judges do not differentiate between divisions.
The ideas for the films can come from many places. There might be a school-wide theme for the year or an inspiration from a class.
Each year the festival finds and features, in our Non-Competitive (exhibition only) category, video productions. Although these productions meet the spirit of the festival, they may not be student conceived, planned and produced. We leave it up to the discretion of the schools to decide whether the production is for exhibition or competition. Please contact the Festival with any questions, suggestions or concerns.
Let your lower school films speak!