Sunday, March 31, 2019

The 20th BFF Films Are Here!

The 20th Bridge Film Festival is proud to present to you this year's finalist films. The 25 entries were produced by 12 Friends' schools and include: 6 documentary, 7 narrative, 5 public service announcements and 7 new media productions.

The Bridge Film Festival, "On-Line" Judges will now begin evaluations to provide feedback to our filmmakers and determine award winners. The award winners will be announce at the May 3rd Judges' Choice Awards Show hosted by Brooklyn Friends School. BFF Screening Event Committees may now select appropriate films to meet the needs of their own events. The spreadsheet below includes audience recommendation by division.

This year's participating schools: Brooklyn Friends School, Frankford Friends School, Friends Academy, Friends' Central School, Friends Meeting School, George School, Germantown Friends School, Moses Brown School, New Garden Friends School, Olney Friends School, Tandem Friends School, The Friends' School.