Saturday, November 27, 2021

Must all good things come to an end?

Dear Friends,

In 2000, I established the Bridge Film Festival. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to continue to direct the Festival. The dream was for our student filmmakers to have a platform to share their vision of the 21st century for a better and more just world. The Festival connected our Friends’ educational institutions and Meetings around the world significantly, connecting and celebrating our diversity and common values. The BFF has encouraged students to produce intentional, values-based films that have raised awareness of a myriad of issues of concern to our communities.

I especially want to thank the Brooklyn Friends School and the Friends Council on Education for their years of support.  Thanks to all the BFF Committee Members and Judges for their commitment to this endeavor. Above all, thank you to all the schools, Meetings, teachers and student filmmakers for their cinematic contributions and their efforts in support of the festival’s mission.

My sincerest hope is that someone will pick up the reins and carry on the Festival.


Remember, let your film speak!


In friendship,

Andy Cohen